My musings on Gold

19 Apr

It seems that investing in a supposedly secure and stable store of monetary value  like Gold has become wildly speculative
and not for the faint-of-heart.
I am faint-of-heart,
but I plan to stay in the market.

In recent months, the Global market has absorbed the 8th largest gold reserve from Libya and now, another sizeable quantity from Cyprus.
Who is buying it? Clearly, some big players still want gold.

The recent experiment in stealing (supposedly government insured) deposits from private bank accounts in Cyprus and coercing their Central Bank to sell their Gold Reserves at reduced prices, has been successful.

So, would it not follow that,
if it worked for Cyprus, we are likely to see more of this bullying in other indentured and supposedly insolvent EU Countries? Spain, Italy, Portugal etc?

There are some who are talking of $800 gold. You know, about $400 less per ounce than it costs to mine!

I smell a rat.

The global banksters are on record as naked-shorting the futures market, suppressing the price.
Whilst, I suspect, they are quietly buying physical gold on the cheap now, with the essentially free fiat and fictitious currency they have access to, thanks to Ben Bernanke’s “Quantitative Easing to Infinity”.

How likely are the ruling “élites” to change their 5,000 year history of prizing gold?

These questions lead me to ponder if this global volatility in the markets is part of a grand scam to shake-out the small to mid size players and to ensure the “Black Nobility” ends up with all the Gold.

21 May

Fluoridation: Profitably hidden toxic waste

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May 9, 2012

There are several formulations of industrial “fluoridation” chemicals with different names yet all are “sodium fluoride” compounds and all originate from industrial toxic waste. Some are refined so they are even more potent in their physiological and neurological effects. In any case, they’re all cumulative and poison to you and the environment. This has been known for well over 100 years.

Early on, these toxins proved as costly to transport and dispose of as the cost of the manufacturing processes that produced them. So they were stockpiled wherever a fertilizer or aluminum plant was located, irreparably poisoning the storage area, spreading with the wind raking havoc for miles around. In rain soaked liquid form it would leach into the ground water spreading odorless colorless death to animals and humans who drank therefrom.

The con-job / advertising campaign used to sell us on putting this stuff in our water, toothpaste, and medications began over 60 years ago. It was well calculated to deceive and easily gathered well meaning minions along the way in this “beneficial cause” (sic), all for the sake of the children’s teeth. Here’s how it was done. The idea that fluoride compounds were good for teeth and bones was all based on a “Bait and switch” scheme.

In the 1930′s it was discovered that trace amounts of naturally occurring calcium fluoride in ground water did in fact strengthen bones and teeth. The famous Colorado Brown Stain Studies were done during the ’30s and ’40s in and around the town of Colorado Springs. The studies involved local populations who’s water was high in naturally occurring calcium-fluoride compounds.

The key to this dental benefit was not the fluoride, it turned out that the natural compound’s largest component… calcium was the cause. Undaunted, the global industrialist eugenicists and their cadre of scientific minions focused for 2 decades on selling the people the idea that it was the fluoride that performed the miracle, “the bait!” Then they switched in the public mind, the metabolism friendly, calcium fluoride, for sodium fluoride, the cumulative neuro-toxin.

It has been known since the 1880′s, with the advent of ammonium nitrate/phosphate fertilizer and aluminum manufacturing, that the waste products from each, depending upon the overall composition of the phosphorus and bauxite ore used within the various manufacturing processes, produced a waste product which in some cases could even be a radio-active toxic cocktail. Whether the end product was sodium fluorosilicate, sodium hexa-fluoride, mono-fluoro-phosphate, fluorosilic acid, they all contained other substances including lead, cadmium, arsenic, aluminum, and others, even trace uranium… Sound good so far…?

In all of the sodium-fluoride compounds, it is well documented that when added to water or food at less than 5 parts per million, over a short period of time it creates docility in the population that ingests it — an attitude of, “…what’s the urgency… I feel fine… besides, what can I do anyway, our government is good… we are safe, they’d never hurt us…” This effect was found in fluoride studies done in the Nazi camps described in documents captured after WWII. Thus, it is a perfect tool for the domination of huge populations… sodium-fluoride is an ingredient in all selective serotonin re-uptake inhibitors (anti-depression drugs), btw.

  • A d v e r t i s e m e n t

If allowed to be administered at the prescribed 4PPM (parts per million) level over a long period of time, as is done in water “fluoridation,” folks manifest chronic diseases, fibroses, cancers, and neurological dysfunctions most of which were unheard of before the late 1950′s… it is also a factor in the skyrocketing occurrences of pediatric cancer, virtually non existent before 1960.

If the dosage is increased, or continues to accumulate in the body over a few decades, premature mental and physical degeneration and death are assured. If administered in water at daily levels of 50 parts per million or greater, it will cause rapid degeneration and convulsive death within months in most people. This is the eugenicists dream, mass non contagious illness and death by a mere twist of the knob at the water plant.

It has never been conclusively proved that sodium fluoride compounds added to the water or food provides any benefit to teeth and bones … It has been shown however, that as dosages rise to five parts from million, it causes migraines in some people, the appearance of fluorosis, and rapid IQ reduction particularly in children.

This all begs the question, what else is being added to our water and why are we being mass medicated? This quote from a signer of the Declaration of Independence, points to the reason:

“Unless we put medical freedom into the Constitution, the time will come when medicine will organize into an undercover dictatorship to restrict the art of healing to one class of Men and deny equal privileges to others; the Constitution of the Republic should make a Special privilege for medical freedoms as well as religious freedom.” ~Dr. Benjamin Rush



The philosophy of freedom

5 Apr

The philosophy of freedom: Much more than demanding government get out of our lives, you must first get the tyranny out of your own heart

by Mike Adams, NaturalNews Editor

(NaturalNews) Do you agree with this statement? Government has no business telling us what to drink, what to eat, what kind of medicine we should take, what to smoke, what to farm, or how to run our private lives.

These are all elements of individual liberty or what you might call personal freedom. They are all part of the bigger push to get Big Government off our backs and out of our lives. But do the people who call for individual liberty really believe in it themselves? Or are they carrying around a sharp contradiction in their own beliefs?

Consider the following statements:

If people want to ride a motorcycle (or a bicycle) without a helmet, that’s their own business.

If parents want to avoid having their children vaccinated, that’s their own business.

If people want to smoke a doobie in their basement, that’s their own business.

If a dairy farmer wants to milk a goat and sell the milk to his neighbor, that’s their own business.

If people want to grow an organic garden in their front yard, that’s their own business.

If someone wants to eat so much salt, sugar and aspartame that their colon falls out and they have to call an ambulance, that’s their own business.

If someone wants to drive down the highway without wearing a seatbelt, that’s their own business! (But no one else should be liable for their injuries if there is an accident, right?)

If a group of young girls wants to sell cookies or lemonade on the sidewalk, let ’em do it. It’s their own business!

If a West Virginia farmer wants to grow a hundred acres of hemp weed and use it to make hemp seeds, hemp oils and hemp clothing, that’s his own business!

If a citizen bystander wants to video record the police making a traffic stop, and it’s all taking place on public property, then that’s his own business! (Hey, the cops say they can record US all the time, right? That we have no presumed right to privacy on public property…)

If a guy wants to buy a ranch rifle and shoot empty soda cans on his farm in Massachusetts, that’s his own business!

Are you carrying a freedom contradiction?

And if you agree with all that, then let me hit you with this brain-bender: By principle you must also agree that whatever two people want to do in their own homes or bedrooms is also their own business, as long as it’s consensual. It doesn’t matter what their sexual orientation is or even whether money changed hands. While it’s not something I personally condone or participate in, all that is still their own business!

See, the thing about freedom is that if you demand freedom for yourself, you must also tolerate it for others. If you say “get the government out of our lives!” then to be consistent, you have to mean it for everybody else, too — not just for you or those you happen to agree with. Freedom means freedom for all, including those with which you disagree, as long as they aren’t harming others in the process. Freedom can’t be selective.

And here’s the philosophical contradiction in the liberty movement today: Too many of those who say they want the government out of their lives on issues like vaccines, parenting and local farm food are the very same people who demand government intervention on issues where someone else lives by a different moral code than their own (or a non-existent moral code, in some cases). Same-sex marriage, prostitution, abortion, recreational drug use… you name it. Suddenly the call for liberty becomes something far less noble: a demand for moral conformity administered via an all-powerful government. This is exactly what gives rise to government tyranny! Because any time you call for government to intervene in the lives of others with which you disagree, you also empower that same government with the power to rule over your own life.

So you see, when you call for government to get involved in criminalizing the things you might strongly disagree with — pot smokers, abortion, prostitution or anything else — you are by definition demanding that government grow its power in order to enforce your own moral code onto others.

And that’s not freedom. It’s just tyranny disguised as moral conformity. Because sooner or later, all that government power gets turned against YOU.

For the record, I am a person raised on Christian values. I don’t visit prostitutes, I’m obviously not into same-sex marriages, and I have never used recreational drugs. (That’s right: never.) But for people who choose those things for themselves in the privacy of their own homes or hotel rooms, I am bound by philosophical consistency to declare that’s their own business! And why? Because I don’t want them getting all up in MY business!

Stay out of my business and I’ll stay out of yours

I raise dairy goats and backyard chickens. Some people don’t like that. I target practice with a ranch rifle on a Saturday afternoon. Some people don’t like citizens owning firearms. I don’t mow my yard because I prefer to see wildflowers growing everywhere. Some HOA-type “yard police” think everybody’s lawn should be sprayed with herbicides and be completely free of dandelions. I think that’s insane, but HOA enforcers think it’s nice and neat.

In so many areas of my own life, I strongly diverge from what a lot of mainstream people might choose for themselves. I like to hang laundry out to dry on clotheslines. I walk around in the sun with my shirt off. I urinate on my fig plants, right out in the open, because nitrogen is good for plants. I grow oddly-shaped gardens that don’t put plants in neat little rows (because rows are not the most efficient way to garden, it turns out). Some of this annoys people — especially the “white picket fence” conformist types who tend to rule local homeowners associations like little Nazi tyrants.

I don’t want a bunch of whiny neighbors calling government authorities and trying to pass laws that require me to conform to their narrow-minded opinions on lawn care and property appearance. I don’t want a law that requires me to mow my lawn, quiet my chickens and sell my goats, and I don’t want to be arrested for “indecent exposure” just because I’m watering a fruit tree with my fly unzipped. And why? Because all this is none of their damn business!

You keep the government out of MY business, and I’ll support keeping the government out of YOUR business.

That’s liberty, my friends. It doesn’t mean everybody in the world lives the same way you do. It doesn’t mean everybody follows a moral code. It just means that each person has the freedom to choose their own path and their own consequences as long as they don’t harm anyone else in the process. Government has no business legislating morals or criminalizing consensual behavior among people who aren’t directly harming someone else.

I may not like the way everybody in my community lives their own life, but tolerating their differences is far, far better than having an oppressive, tyrannical government that demands we all conform to its whims. After all, a government quickly becomes immoral and sooner or later ends up mandating unacceptably evil behaviors (such as requiring parents to have their children vaccinated against their will).

Tolerance is liberty, my friends. To the extent that we tolerate other people living in ways that might be different from what we would choose, we earn our own right to live our own lives as free people who make our own decision as well. Now, obviously, we can help teach morals and ethics to those around us so that they make better decisions about avoiding substance abuse, avoiding self-destructive behavior and spiritually growing into better people. But we cannot mandate such things at the end of a gun. Nor do we have any right to hire a group of other people (the government) to serve as proxies to enforce the same conformist agenda.

What are you thinking right now?

Check your own mind right now. Are you reacting to this story and thinking that people who engage in activity you don’t morally agree with should be arrested or criminalized? If so, then you don’t really believe in freedom. You believe in tyranny. And that belief is the root of the tyranny we are witnessing across society today.

Look around you. You see the government running rampant across America? That tyranny is a reflection of the tyranny that still exists in the hearts of the people who still refuse to embrace the true philosophy of freedom — a philosophy that must be rooted in tolerance.

The lesson of this article, should you choose to accept it, is:
If you want freedom for yourself, you must first grant it to others.

And to the extent that you demand government-enforced conformity upon others, you enslave yourself under the same tyranny.


The Bull Market in Gold and Silver Prevails

24 Mar

We have been in and around the gold markets for 53 years and conditions have certainly changed,driven mainly by market manipulation of all markets as a result of the Executive Order, which created the “President’s Working Group on Financial Markets.” Those who doubt that are either on the government payroll one way or the other, or you are just too dumb to understand what is really going on. In spite of these machinations and ignorant naysayers the bull markets in gold and silver are still alive and well. What you are seeing are paper markets and the use of derivatives to effect short-term pricing, especially when negative events are about to occur. Those events are aided by naked shorting and illegal concentration in both gold and silver and the shares. Mind you, this is being done in a market to control it and in addition government and central banks relish stomping gold and silver into the ground. For years they hid what they were doing. Today their manipulations are in your face. These dramatic forced price falls are fortunately accompanied by heavy buying by China, Russia, India and others. All the elitists are doing is giving long-term investors an opportunity to purchase both metals at prices far below their real value. Official government inflation figures say gold should be selling at about $2,500 an ounce. Real inflation statistics would have gold selling today at almost $9,000. Such deliberate under pricing is accompanied by financial chaos in Europe and England, high oil prices that reflect the possibility of conflict in the Middle East, the results of $1.4 trillion in loans to 800 European banks, England on the edge of bankruptcy and the continual quantitative easing and things such as Operation Twist by the Federal Reserve. The official government line on statistics is all lies. We see one research report after another pandering to these falsities, which is next to worthless. The professionals and investors continue to use these bogus figures and continue to lose money in the process.

There are few sellers in the physical gold and silver markets. The selling takes place in the paper markets. Demand worldwide for these metals as a store of value has never been stronger. Buyers are countries and flight capital from the Middle East and Asia. The traffic is very intriguing. In China the government promotes gold ownership and has thousands of outlets across the country, as does CIBC. They are called gold savings accounts. Just the opposite is true in the US, UK and Europe, where violation of privacy and freezing or confiscation of assets is possible.

Last year demand for gold rose 20% worldwide and it could top $100 billion in 2012. We are seeing major demand as well for Europe as the euro zone deteriorates without a solution in sight.

We have already seen shortages of 1/5 and ¼ ounce coins from time to time as Europeans gobble them up. These developments are reflections of the ongoing financial problems facing the US, UK and England. Those problems are recognized worldwide and thus, we have massive gold off take by many countries. In tandem all countries are running deficits and it is getting worse not better. The attitude is print money like everyone else is and buy gold at cheap prices. There has to be a lesson to be learned when US dealers go to European wholesalers and get little or no new product. At retailers product offerings are even slimmer.

Gold and silver have been in bull markets since June of 2000 and the trend continues, as nations get deeper in a financial hole, which is reflected in their currencies in the form of higher gold and silver prices. Manipulation of paper gold markets cannot continue on forever. One derivative default and the whole edifice could collapse. Manipulation only allows you to buy cheaper, but once the cartel is out of gold and silver underlying their positions, the game will be over.

By Bob Chapman

Australian Prime Minister Julia Gillard’s criminal history and her hypocrisy with WikiLeaks and Julian Assange.

1 Mar

Kangaroo Court of Australia

Julia Gillard had criminal allegations made against her in 1995 when she was accused of helping her boyfriend steal over $1,000,000 from the Australian Workers Union (AWU) and helping him spend the money on such things as her personal home renovations and dresses.

Julia Gillard has never denied helping him rip off the $1,000,000 plus dollars, what she has done is denied doing it knowingly. Her part was helping set up an account called the “Australian Workers Union Workplace Reform Association” and possibly other accounts that the money was laundered through when she was a lawyer working for Slater and Gordon who were the solicitors representing the Australian Workers Union.

The allegations against Julia Gillard were initially raised in the Victorian Parliament in 1995.

In an interview with Glenn Milne of the Sydney Sunday Telegraph in 2007 Julia Gillard said:

“These matters happened between 12 and 15 years ago,” Ms Gillard told The Sunday Telegraph. “I was young…

View original post 2,854 more words

Greek bailout and its ramifications

29 Feb

This newsworthy article about Greece and its bailout ramifications
did not received much press so you might not have heard about it:

By Ann Barnhardt – January 31, 2012

News out of Brussels last night was that a package is being put together that would haircut Greek bonds by 70%, thus only paying back 30 cents on the dollar to anyone holding Greek paper. This will set a precedent that will eventually be played out all over Europe.

This is extremely bad, and will spell the end of the big U.S. banks and the financial system in total. But EVERYONE needs to understand credit default swaps (CDS) first. CDS are insurance policies that investors have traded – very similar to OPTIONS for my old clients and cattle people out there. Buying a CDS is essentially like buying a put. The buyer pays a premium, or fee, to the writer, or seller of the CDS that says that the seller will guarantee and make whole the buyer’s position in a specific bond IF the entity behind the bond (such as Greece) defaults. In exchange for paying the premium and being made whole after a default, the buyer of the CDS surrenders the bond position to the seller of the CDS, and the seller gets to keep both the premium paid plus gets to keep any salvage value of the defaulted bond.

So the CDS buyer pays a premium or fee, and the seller guarantees against a default but gets to take ownership of the bonds and keep any salvage value if a default does happen.

Here is what I STRONGLY suspect is going to happen with this 70% haircut plan. The bondholders are going to take the full brunt of the 70% haircut, BUT the body that actually dictates whether or not a default has happened – the International Swaps and Derivatives Association (ISDA) – will declare that this credit event is NOT a default, and thus all of the banks and entities that THOUGHT that their European debt positions were hedged with CDS will find out that they have no protection at all. And then the excrement hits the fan. Big time.

The argument that the ISDA will make is that a 70% haircut isn’t a default. This is, of course, abject horse manure. Try paying only 30% of your mortgage and see how quickly the word “default” is used. They are using the 70% figure because a 30% payout is just enough to make the legalistic argument that a FULL default hasn’t occurred – which makes NO SENSE because salvage value is one of the core concepts in CDS contracts. The SELLER GET THE RIGHTS TO THE SALVAGE VALUE, which by definition implies that the default need not be 100% in order to execute the CDS. ARRGGHH!!!!

The obvious question is, WHO IS IT THAT HAS WRITTEN ALL OF THESE CREDIT DEFAULT SWAPS, because they are going to make off like bandits. They are going to have received all of the premium, the default event will have happened, and they won’t have to pay out. Like the old Dire Straits song says, “Money for nothin’ and chicks for free.” Fish in a barrel. Lambs to the slaughter. Candy from a baby.

I will venture a guess as to who two of the largest writers of Euro-trash CDS might be. How about . . . oh, I dunno, Goldman Sachs and J.P. Morgan? Guys, what MF Global was doing with customer funds – “hypothecating” and leveraging the customer money into European bond positions “hedged” with credit default swaps – THEY’RE ALL DOING IT. All of the brokerage houses. All of the investment firms. All of the retirement account custodians. ALL OF THE BANKS. I can almost promise you that Goldman Sachs and J.P. Morgan have been sitting on a net short position in Europe, quietly betting against European paper, all the while pimping and selling long European positions (It will be fine! The bailouts will come!) AND happily selling TRILLIONS of dollars worth of CDS to their customers to “guarantee” the customers’ long-Europe positions against default, knowing full well that Europe WOULD collapse. (Duh. Anyone who can do 2nd grade math knows that.) When the collapse happened they knew from the beginning they WOULD NEVER HAVE TO PAY OUT ON THE CREDIT DEFAULT SWAPS THAT THEY WROTE because the ISDA was populated BY THEIR OWN PEOPLE, and the ISDA would therefore never declare a default. They would therefore pocket the premium received, but most importantly would then swoop in and BUY UP ALL OF THE BANKS AND BROKERAGES DESTROYED BY THEIR UNHEDGED NET LONG-EUROPE POSITIONS.

Think about it. Why would a Goldman or a J.P. Morgan write trillions of dollars of CDS on Europe in the first place? CDS aren’t like regular options. CDS are binary in their outcome. Either there is no default, or there is, and the payout required would be massive. There is no middle ground. There is no “moderate” payout on a CDS. It is either all-or-nothing. Why would Goldman and J.P. Morgan write these CDS contracts knowing full well that Europe was mathematically impossible to save and thus guaranteed to default, and that the inevitable European default would then lead to demands for payout that were – again – mathematically impossible? We are talking tens if not hundreds of trillions of dollars. We are talking multiples of the size of the entire economy of the U.S. – and that is just the exposure of ONE BANK (i.e. JPM @ $78TTT). There is no possible way to payout on that. It seems to me that these CDS writers knew from the start that they would never have to payout. They knew that their people in the ISDA would never declare a default, but would always leave some trifling payout to “legally” skirt default. If it ever got to the point that there was a full default, World War 3 would be the result and thus the entire point would be moot. The bankster oligarchs would at that point be moving fully to declare a new totalitarian world government and abolish and seize all private property.
Game over.”

What if we use science to “hack” the world’s economy with super-computers – and see how many corporations actually control it?

29 Feb

Three scientists from the Swiss Federal Institute of Technology in Zurich recently did this – and their results were published in New Scientist, a respected science magazine.

They unleashed a vast armada of supercomputers on a database of the top 37 million corporations and individual investors worldwide.

The results were absolutely stunning:


The idea that a few bankers control a large chunk of the global economy might not seem like news to New York’s Occupy Wall Street movement and “conspiracy theorists”. However, this study is the first to go beyond ideology and theory to empirically identify such a network of power…full article here:–the-capitalist-network-that-runs-the-world.html

Results of the first audit in the Federal Reserve’s nearly 100-year history

29 Feb
The results of the first audit in the Federal Reserve’s nearly 100-year history were posted on Senator Sanders’ webpage:
What was revealed in the audit was startling: $16,000,000,000,000.00 had been secretly given out to US banks and corporations, and foreign banks.
From the period between December 2007 and June 2010, the Federal Reserve secretly bailed out many of the world’s banks, corporations, and governments.
The Federal Reserve likes to refer to these secret bailouts as an all-inclusive loan program, but virtually none of the money has been returned — and it was loaned out at 0% interest.
Why the Federal Reserve had never been public about this or even informed the United States Congress about the $16 trillion dollar bailout is obvious.
The American public would have been outraged to find out that the Federal Reserve bailed out foreign banks while Americans were struggling to find jobs.
To place $16 trillion into perspective, remember that the GDP of the United States is only $14.12 trillion.
The entire national debt of the United States government spanning its 200+ year history is “only” $14.5 trillion.
The budget that is being debated so heavily in Congress and the Senate is “only” $3.5 trillion.
Take all of the outrage and debate over the $1.5 trillion deficit into consideration, and swallow this Red pill: There was no debate about whether $16,000,000,000,000 would be given to failing banks and failing corporations around the world.
In late 2008, the TARP Bailout bill was passed — and loans of $800 billion were given to failing banks and companies. That was a blatant lie — considering the fact that Goldman Sachs alone received 814 billion dollars.
As it turns out, the Federal Reserve donated $2.5 trillion to Citigroup, while Morgan Stanley received $2.04 trillion. The Royal Bank of Scotland and Deutsche Bank, a German bank, split about a trillion and numerous other banks received hefty chunks of the $16 trillion.
The initial figure of 16 trillion that jumped out of the Federal Reserve audit is more money than all the goods and services produced by every single person in the United States — for any given year.
It is greater than the entire amount of debt ever racked up by the United States in its 235-year history as well.
The 2010 Census estimated there are 114,825,428 households in the US. Sixteen trillion dollars in secret bailouts adds up to 139 thousand and 342 dollars per household.
The full figure of 26 trillion adds up to nearly a quarter million dollars per household – $226,430.68 to be exact.
When you put it in those terms, the full weight of the theft becomes nothing short of staggering.

Congressman Bernie Sanders also revealed that in addition to handing out 16 trillion dollars, (not counting the ten trillion in “currency swaps”), the Federal Reserve also owns the financial agencies they are supposed to be regulating:
The GAO [audit] also revealed that many of the people who serve as directors of the 12 Federal Reserve Banks come from the exact same financial institutions that the Fed is in charge of regulating.
Further, the GAO found that at least 18 current and former Fed board members were affiliated with banks and companies that received emergency loans from the Federal Reserve during the financial crisis.
In other words, the people “regulating” the banks were the exact same people who were being “regulated.”  (the fox guarding the henhouse!)
For example, the CEO of JP Morgan Chase served on the New York Fed’s board of directors at the same time that his bank received more than $390 billion in financial assistance from the Fed….
Getting this type of disclosure was not easy. Wall Street and the Federal Reserve fought it every step of the way.